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Hotelier of the Year 2012

Once a year, the international gastronomy magazine ROLLING PIN presents awards to those individuals who have had a decisive influence on the world of catering and hotel management with their courage, innovation and creativity.
One of the special features of the "Leaders of the Year Award" is the fair voting process. It was the employees at restaurants and hotels themselves who had the opportunity to nominate their own personal leader on by 10 October 2012. This year a high-calibre expert jury once again made the final decision about which of the three finalists should bear the title LEADER OF THE YEAR. Balthasar Hauser was honoured as an institution in the Austrian hotel industry and great tribute was paid, especially to his huge personal commitment to further enhancing the Stanglwirt's reputation, with creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.
Balthasar Hauser's daughters Maria & Elisabeth Hauser accepted the coveted LEADER OF THE YEAR award in Vienna on his behalf and proudly took it home to Tyrol. Balthasar Hauser was then presented with the prestigious prize here at home at the Stanglwirt, in the middle of the huge building site where the new spa complex is taking shape. It was because he is currently so busy with the building work that he was unable to travel to Vienna himself. Balthasar Hauser is delighted and would like to take the opportunity to thank his family and all his employees who work tirelessly every day to do their best and satisfy our guests in every possible way. Without them, it would never have been possible for him to hold this very special award in his hands. The host of the Stanglwirt would also like to thank all the esteemed guests and travellers for their loyalty and commitment to our hotel. He also paid tribute to his fellow hoteliers who were also nominated and who are all achieving great things, and would have deserved this wonderful prize just as much. For Balthasar Hauser and the entire Stanglwirt family, the award of "Hotelier of the Year" is a very special mark of recognition and also a huge motivation to continue in the same vein: with enthusiasm, inspiration and work hard to delight our guests anew every single day.
Special thanks to everyone who gave their valuable vote to the Stanglwirt and to whom we owe this enormous honour! Thank you very much indeed!