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Look! Business Award for Maria Hauser

After getting off to a successful start in 2015, the acclaimed business & lifestyle magazine look! resumed its series of initiatives to recognise successful career women. Readers of the magazine throughout Austria nominated successful women in various different categories of business. All the nominated women are bursting with strength, joie de vivre and dynamism. That's because, whether they are senior managers in big corporations or entrepreneurs themselves, whether they work in the retail industry, finance or the service sector: their success spurs these women on every day. It is these particular qualities that the look! editorial team and publisher Uschi Pöttler-Fellner are putting in the spotlight with their Business Award. The winner in the Service & Tourism category is Maria Hauser.

The readers and jury were particularly impressed by her remarkable CV, starting with working in the family business at the Stanglwirt from her earliest childhood, then advancing her career in Sydney and San Diego, before dedicating herself entirely to the family firm, where her main aim is to ensure that every guest can see and feel that the hotel cares about them, sincerely and wholeheartedly. In her moving acceptance speech, Maria Hauser thanked her family and her team for their strong support, and also the many preceding generations who had truly created something great as they developed the Stanglwirt business. She dedicated the prize to her three-year-old daughter Leni, her greatest source of day-to-day inspiration. Maria Hauser-Lederer would like to share the prize with all the hard-working and visionary women who have made such an important contribution to the development of tourism in the mountains. As Hauser said, it was primarily the hard-working farmers' wives who, many decades ago, began to rent out rooms at their farms who laid the foundations for the success of tourism today.