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No. 2 in the category "Nature Hotels" in a list of the 222 best hotels in Austria...

An assessment of a hotel is always a mixture of objectively comparable facts and subjectively perceived impressions. In the selection process in 2016, for the first time - in addition to professional hotel testers from Connoisseur Circle and Hubertus von Hohenlohe's 500 Very Special Hotels - readers were also invited to give their evaluations.
Our host, the Stanglwirt's Balthasar Hauser, has always made eco-friendly building a high priority and was therefore one of the pioneers and true visionaries when it came to applying the eco-friendly ethos to hotel management. We are therefore all the more delighted to have won an outstanding second place in the "Nature Hotels" category.
Click here to read the detailed report.
We will continue to do our best in future to guarantee all our guests a thoroughly perfect stay in harmony with nature "at home"... at the Stanglwirt!
United in gratitude,
The Hauser family
and all the Stanglwirt team