Silver and copper fever in the RöhrerbühelThe history of the Stanglwirt begins in the sixteenth century. The region is seized with silver and copper fever and almost overnight, adventurers are suddenly rushing into the area... More information
The venerable Stanglwirt knows a story or two and has sheltered, fed and entertained its guests for more than four centuries. Whereas today's Stanglwirt is managed by Balthasar Hauser in what is now the eleventh generation of his family, throughout its long history, many unique people and characters have left their mark on the "Inn on the Prama".
Silver and copper fever in the RöhrerbühelThe history of the Stanglwirt begins in the sixteenth century. The region is seized with silver and copper fever and almost overnight, adventurers are suddenly rushing into the area... More information
Born of necessity: the dawn of the "Inn on the Prama"In summer 1564, plague reaches the region, with an estimated 500 people falling victim in Kitzbühel alone. The authorities in Kitzbühel ask Widmer to open his house to guests... More information
The first estate transferIn 1567, the innkeeper on the Prama receives a licence to sell wine, as well as being allowed to sell small snacks to go with it. This, coupled with the tavern's good location, means that it is also extremely popular with the miners... More information
Initial obstaclesIn 1588, Martin Schaumberger is granted permission from the authorities in Kitzbühel to organise wedding banquets, along with funerals, baptisms and marriages, and so extends the inn... More information
The full gastronomic licence and the great injusticeAt the end of October 1618, the government grants Schaumberger a "full gastronomic licence" covering all "occasions". But the order is never executed and the privilege never issued... More information
The first StanglwirtBecause the official licence has never been executed, the dispute with the Dorfwirt from Going flares up again, and until his death in 1676, Hans Stangl has to defend himself against his envious colleagues... More information
The age of tradeThe turn of the eighteenth century is marked by mercantilism, the precursor of capitalism. Trade flourishes and roads are developed to transport the salt, ore, wine and metals... More information
The Schlechter dynasty beginsA golden era begins in 1714 when Sebastian Schlechter takes over the Stanglwirt. Schlechter proves to be a brilliant businessman, making a respectable fortune by trading salt and other goods. In 1720, he builds the Gasthof Stangl inn... More information
The Tyrolean Fight for Freedom at StanglwirtThe golden age of the Stanglwirt ends abruptly with the occupation by Napoleon's troops and the Tyrolean Fight for Freedom. Sebastian III has to stand and watch as the Bavarian and French troops come from St. Johann and leave a trail of devastation and destruction up to Ellmau... More information
The first Stanglwirt hostessA new age begins in the Stanglwirt in 1889, with the arrival of Maria "Marie" Schlechter (née Hauser). Marie's family owns a distillery, a large inn at Luech in Kirchbichl and the Schnablwirt in Going, which Marie's father, Josef Hauser, instructs her to run... More information
The Stanglwirt hostess takes chargeMarie Schlechter may be a successful businesswoman, but her private life, with her difficult husband Balthasar, is far from perfect. Finally it is all too much for her. She leaves him and only returns on condition that he makes her the co-owner... More information
The successorMarie Schlechter has no children and when she reaches 80 years of age, she looks around for a worthy successor, finding the ideal candidate in Anna Seibl, her grand niece on her mother's side... More information
The dawn of the Hauser familyAnna Hauser (née Seibl) takes over the Stanglwirt in the war year of 1944 and shows many excellent qualities. She does every kind of work without hesitation, is an excellent cook and shares Marie's enjoyment of singing... More information
The Balthasar Hauser eraWhen Maria's brother Balthasar III finishes his catering and hotel training in 1966, he takes over the Stanglwirt. His sister Maria marries and moves to Carinthia, leaving Balthasar without the support of any of his family... More information
A tradition that goes back centuries has created a quality in the Stanglwirt that still exists today: genuine, authentic Tyrolean hospitality. Immerse yourself in a world full of history and stories.