In addition to the amazing wealth of ideas coming from the Stanglwirt's host Balthasar Hauser, another absolutely inexhaustible source of energy is constantly bubbling to the surface. Discover
Body skincare is a particularly important feel-good factor on holiday. A daily shower uses 12 litres of water per minute and, let's face it, who doesn't enjoy a five-minute shower after a winter's day of skiing or a hot summer's day spent in the Kaiserwiese gardens? This requires an average of 60 litres per person or Stanglwirt guest – and therefore uses up vast amounts from our internal water source each year.
In order to protect our jewel of nature the Kaiser spring, but also to ensure maintenance can be carried out, all rooms and suites at our Green Spa Resort are equipped with water-saving shower heads provided by Rabmer. They use special turbine technology to enable the same water pressure with 40% lower consumption than when showering with traditional systems. This allows our guests and team members in the Stanglwirt Team Residence to take good care of themselves and enjoy a nice bath to the full, all with a clear conscience.