Stanglwirt hotline+43 (0)5358 2000Call now
Stanglwirt from A-Z
Information L
- The Stanglwirt currently owns 60 hectares of farmland plus 25 dairy cows and many other animals. For more information, please dial 902
Cross-country skiing
- Just behind the Stanglwirt is one of the numerous places where you can join the Kaiserloipe track at the foot of the Wilder Kaiser. Cross-country skiing equipment can be hired from the "Sports Corner" by the Kaiserstiege staircase. For more information please dial 902 or 7852
- Laptops can be hired from Reception, subject to availability and payment of a deposit.
Late check-out
- More information is available from Reception. Please dial 999
Running routes
- There are countless places to run around the Stanglwirt. For more information and a map, please dial 902
Lipizzaner stud
- The Stanglwirt is home to Austria's first private Lipizzaner stud. You are welcome to join one of our weekly guided tours of the stables, ride on our noble Lipizzaners or explore the scenery at the foot of the Wilder Kaiser from a carriage drawn by Lipizzaners. Dial 7937 or 902