Bio- und Wellnesshotel Stanglwirt Gold
Measuring heart rate variability

HRV-Med / Lebensfeuer® measurement

There is nothing more infallible than heart rate variability (HRV) (Autonom Health Gesundheitsbildungs GmbH, Vienna). Since no-one can pretend for a period of 24 hours, the information that a "life fire" gives about a person's autonomous nervous system is not only impressive but also entirely objective and valid. When your heart rate variability is measured, all your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social sensibilities are meaningfully reflected in the representation of your "life fire" or vitality.

The image of heart rate variability that is produced from over 3 million pieces of data is like a fire: the stronger and deeper the colours (blue, red, yellow, etc.) and the higher the "flames" go, the more youthful, fit and full of vitality the person is. If the diagram shows only small flames and little colour contrast, the image indicates a reduced life force, little parasympathetic activity, exhaustion or illness. The HRV analysis shows in detail the rhythm of individual phases of stress and recovery.

Lebensfeuer measurement at the Stanglwirt
Clerical worker, aged 32, fit & healthy

By combining the graphical representation of the "life fire" with the values from the HRV analysis and physiological data about heart performance, clear answers can be given relating to many aspects of your life:

  • How old am I really? (actual biological age)
  • What strengths, what reserves do I have? (performance potential, training deficits)
  • When is something too much for me? (susceptibility to stress, risk of burnout)
  • How resilient am I? (physical and mental resilience)
  • How can I cope with stressful situations? (ability to pace yourself, stress management)
  • How quickly do I recharge my batteries? (ability to regenerate, sleep culture)
  • When am I most active? (a morning/evening person)
  • Where can I demand more of myself? (resources, career potential)
  • What kind of diet is best for me? (nutritional type)
A representation of your lifestyle and your health

Your personal Lebensfeuer

Your Lebensfeuer® is both your inner map and a signpost – a representation of your lifestyle and your health that is the outcome of a 24-hour ECG measurement based on heart rate variability (HRV). This diagnosis of functional performance and regeneration is new and unique in what it can reveal.

An everyday portable ECG device (smaller than a matchbox) is used to measure heart rate variability – the tiny irregular gaps between heartbeats – for a period of 24 hours or less and the result is then depicted in the form of the informative Lebensfeuer diagram – painless, no side effects, non-invasive! You remain in your usual professional and private environment, sleep in your own bed and live your everyday life entirely normally. Whether you are sparkling with vitality or suffering from an advanced case of burnout syndrome can be objectively documented – because your body cannot lie.

Arrange your private appointment directly with Inge Neuner on mobile no.: +43-664-4122989 or

Why is the heart rate measured over 24 hours?

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a highly sensitive way of testing our different individual ways of reacting to stimuli. Consequently, the result of each measuring process is based entirely on the genetic constitution of the person in question and, to a great extent, on the sum total of past and present influences, both internal and external.

If it is measured over a short period, the result of an HRV measurement can be massively altered by what happened the night before, by food, climbing stairs, exercise, thirst, irritation, happiness, over-warm clothing, annoying phone calls, and so on. Valid statements using only short-term measurements have to be based on the person's individual constitution, the situation at the time of the measurement, and a great deal of standardisation (breathing frequency, body posture, emotion, external conditions such as room temperature, etc.).
Measurements over a period of 20 hours or more, on the other hand, give a dynamic insight into a person's functional everyday physiology. The extent of a person's ability to adapt to positive and negative stress can be derived from biological patterns, which interact according to laws of nature.
One factor that must not be underestimated in assessing a person's ability to perform is sleep. While we are asleep, conditions remain very constant, like in a "natural laboratory situation". That is why sleep serves as an indicative physiological response pattern to the biological-psychological-sociological-emotional events of the day.

"Journey into myself" & short-term HRV-Lebensfeuer® measurement

Book a "Journey into myself" session and, in a 2-hour professional consultation with our health psychology expert, Inge Neuener, you'll be given some valuable tips and personalised lifestyle recommendations for your everyday life. Reflect on your life in terms of the so-called "pillars of health". Where are you now, where is change needed and where do you want to get to?

To build on this, and depict your actual current state, the session includes a short-term HRV-Lebensfeuer® measurement (approx. 20 minutes). If required, this can be extended to a 24-hour measurement, so that you learn more about your vitality and ability to perform and regenerate, and about your sleep quality.

Specialist consultation with our health psychologist (short-term HRV measurement included) from 120 minutes for €265.00

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